Port of Wilmington

The Greater Philadelphia region and Chile will tonight (Wednesday 25 April) celebrate at a special dinner their “exceptional” economic and trade relationship in recognition of the volume of Chilean fruit shipped through Delaware River ports on the US East Coast.

The so-called “Experience the Taste of Chile” dinner, organised by the Chilean American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Philadelphia (CACCGP), will showcase unique Chilean wines and cuisine at the DuPont Country Club in Wilmington, Delaware.

Chile is currently ranked 17th among the world’s food exporters and is predicted to be among the top ten exporters by 2014, according to a press release from CACCGP.

In direct relation to the region, 65 per cent of all Chilean fruit exports arriving to the US enter through Delaware River ports.

Not only has this relationship resulted in the wide availability of fresh fruit in the winter for US consumers, it has provided thousands of family sustaining jobs in the greater Delaware valley, the statement indicated.

“The Chilean American Chamber of Commerce is one of the most successful of Chambers promoting and building upon commercial and cultural relations between Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the Republic of Chile,” said Robert Palaima, president of CACCGP.

“We take advantage of the reverse growing seasons to enjoy the bounty of fresh fruit from Chile during the winter, and thanks in large measure to the Free Trade Agreement, area companies now export increasing volumes of machinery to Chile, especially for use in the mining industry. Our Ports work both ways to the mutual benefit of both nations.”

Over 200 members of the Chamber and the international business community will be joining together for an evening of authentic and rich Chilean flavours to celebrate another successful Chilean fruit season in the Greater Philadelphia region.

Featured speakers at the event include His Excellency, Felipe Bulnes, the newly appointed Ambassador of Chile to the US, The Honorable Jack Markell, Governor of Delaware, and The Honorable Tom Carper, senior US Senator from Delaware.