Seabrex Rotterdam port

In the Netherlands, the Port of Rotterdam Authority has announced that cargo throughput increased by 1.7 per cent through the first nine months of the year, growing to 327m tonnes.

Throughput increased across a number of different areas, including 11 per cent year-on-year growth in containers to 93m tonnes.

Measured in 20-foot container units, growth was almost 8 per cent, up to 9m TEU, although the Port Authority noted that growth in throughput of containers is declining due to the cooling down of the world economy and drop in confidence of consumers and producers.

'Throughput developed well in the third quarter, as compared to the first half year and the darkening economic climate,' said Hans Smits, CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority. 'Now all mood indicators are droppingand the world economy is cooling down.

'Because of that, export is also stalling,' he added. 'Until now it had been a driving force for our throughput. Not surprisingly, growth will decrease in the fourth quarter. Over the wholeyear we still expect growth.'