Industry leaders will gather in Warsaw in September to shape the future of farming


GlobalGAP Summit 2024, the first to be held since 2018, will take place on 10-12 September in Warsaw, Poland. Poland boasts a diverse range of farming industries with significant influence in the Europe, and has emerged as one of the top producing countries for selected fresh produce in the EU.

“This is the event where we bring producers and suppliers together with buyers and certifiers,” said Dr Elmé Coetzer-Boersma, managing firector at GlobalGAP c/o FoodPLUS. “This is the event to explore the latest smart solutions on the market. This is the event where we can tackle the challenges the industry is facing with a new-found sense of clarity.”

The team behind the GlobalGAP certification system said it is constantly seeking innovative ways to help producers farm more responsibly and communicate their positive achievements to consumers. Listening to stakeholder input from across all stages of the supply chain is essential to staying ahead of the curve.

One central element of the GlobalGAP Summit 2024 will therefore be a frank and open assessment of blind spots and pain points in certification standards, in view of rapidly evolving legal requirements and consumer expectations that are placing heightened scrutiny on market claims.

On day one of the summit, a panel of industry experts will hold a discussion entitled “Gaps in GAPs,” which aims to shed light on current trends and developments in certification, including greenwashing, smallholder disadvantages, financial burdens for producers, lack of robust supply chain transparency mechanisms, poor access to training, and the slow adoption of data management systems and technology in agriculture.

“Opening the dialogue in this way will create ample food for thought to be further explored in depth throughout the topics of the summit agenda, ultimately finding solutions to close the gaps as the industry moves forward together,” the organiser said.

The agenda includes three days filled with plenary sessions, panel discussions, and breakout groups that will dive deep into a wide range of topics from auditing and technology to social responsibility, legislation, and much more. The final day of the summit will be dedicated to farm and retail visits showcasing the impact of smart farm assurance solutions on the ground.

“Supply chain stakeholders trust GlobalGAP standards for science-based assurance of safe, socially and environmentally responsible farming practices,” the certifier said. “Producers require innovative approaches and effective farm-level tools to stay profitable in today’s dynamic social, environmental, and regulatory landscapes. The summit will provide a platform for industry leaders to highlight state-of-the-art technologies that are helping producers in tangible ways to increase productivity while overcoming the obstacles that hinder the implementation of responsible farming practices.”

Markus Philipp, managing firector at GlobalGAP c/o FoodPLUS, commented: “The GlobalGAP Summit 2024 is not just a conference, but a platform where innovative strategies take shape. Attendees will engage in valuable networking opportunities, exchanging crucial market insights with industry leaders from around the world.

“It’s a collaborative environment where new ideas flourish and connections are forged for new ways forward in the global supply chain.”

Tickets for the summit are available on the official event website, alongside full details on the agenda, speakers, and inaugural Changemaker Awards. GLOBALG.A.P. SUMMIT 2024 | Shaping the future of farming together