In the US, Giumarra Wenatchee is preparing for the 2012 New Zealand Meyer lemon season, and is expecting big volumes of good-sized fruit to hit the market this year.
'The new season’s lemon crop is looking good, with larger volumes than last year,' said Jason Bushong, sales manager for Giumarra Wenatchee. 'Fruit size will also be better suited for the US markets. Recent weather has delayed first colouring slightly, but we look to be on target for a late June to early July US arrival.'
2012 will mark the fifth season of Giumarra’s New Zealand Meyer lemon programme, and in addition to shipping the fruit by vessel, Giumarra and its growers are offering airfreighted produce for any customers looking to get an early start to the season.
Meyer lemons are described by the group as being sweeter than other lemon varieties, making them 'great additions to fresh salads, main courses, and desserts', with the season running through until September.
'We’ve heard from several customers that Meyer lemons are popular with their consumers for their sweet flavour,' noted Erika Salazar, East Coast business development manager for Giumarra. 'This is really a standout fruit that also continues to appear on upscale restaurant menus.'
And Bushing added: 'An additional benefit of New Zealand Meyer lemons coming into the US is that they do not need to be cold treated, keeping the fruit flavour intact and extending its shelf life.'