
The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) board of directors announced today (24 January) that the CanadaGAP Scheme Version 6, Options B and C and Programme Management Manual Version 3, have been successfully re-benchmarked by GFSI and have achieved recognition against the GFSI Guidance Document Sixth Edition.

CanadaGAP has been recognised against BI Farming of Plants and Pre-process Handling of Plant Products, the organisation revealed.

Over the course of the re-benchmarking process, the GFSI Benchmark Committee compared the requirements for food safety scheme ownership, management and supporting systems outlined in the GFSI Guidance Document Sixth Edition against the detailed documentation and objective evidence provided by CanadaGAP for each requirement.

Heather Gale, national programme manager for CanadaGAP commented: 'CanadaGAP appreciates the rigour of the GFSI benchmarking process and is pleased to receive recognition against the Guidance Document Sixth Edition. GFSI recognition of CanadaGAP gives Canada’s fruit and vegetable industry the option to implement a made-in-Canada programme that meets GFSI’s high standard and satisfies the food safety requirements of customers in domestic and international markets.'
