Frieda Caplan

The United Fresh Produce Association has announced that it will honour Frieda Rapoport Caplan with its Lifetime Achievement Award during its 2013 Winter Leadership meetings in January.

The award recognises individuals for a lifetime of achievement and for lasting contributions to the fresh produce industry.

Caplan established Frieda’s Finest/Produce Specialties in 1962 on the male-dominated Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market and quickly developed a reputation for buying and selling new and unusual produce specialties.

Today, Caplan continues to serve as chairman of the board of Frieda’s, working with her daughters Karen Caplan, president and CEO, and Jackie Caplan Wiggins, vice-president and chief operating officer, to lead the company.

'Frieda Caplan truly is the model for a Lifetime Achievement Award in the produce industry,' said United Fresh president and CEO Tom Stenzel. 'From the very start she epitomized the classic produce entrepreneur, always pushing forward as a progressive marketer, savvy business personality, and as a leader in our industry. And while Frieda has been a longtime role-model for women in produce, she stands out as a role-model for anyone in our industry.'

The award will be presented by the United Fresh Foundation’s Center for Leadership Excellence at a new annual Produce Legends Dinner to be held each year in conjunction with the United Winter Leadership Meetings.

“I am honoured and a bit overwhelmed with this award,' said Caplan. 'But I have to say that my greatest success and joy is that I get to work every day alongside my two daughters and one of my grandchildren. Everyone in business should be so lucky.'