Ramon Rey Freshfel

Ramon Rey, president of Freshfel Europe

European fresh produce association Freshfel has revealed that its president Ramon Rey met with Peruvian president Ollanta Humala during the latter's recent visit to Europe, in order to emphasise the need for third country suppliers such as Peru to offer quality fresh produce and diversification of sourcing, to sustain and stimulate consumption.

Freshfel highlighted the fact that, in recent years, the European market has become less attractive for third countries as they move their fresh produce exports towards Asia and the Middle East – although some, such as Peru and Colombia, will soon benefit from new bilateral agreements with the EU to facilitate market access for fresh produce while having a limited impact on domestic production.

'The European consumers should get access to a wide range of off-season products that suppliers such as Peru could provide,' said Ramon Rey. 'This could stimulate stagnating consumption in the EU.'

Rey insisted on the importance of third-country suppliers to provide high-quality fresh produce, develop new varieties, enhance packing facilities and build new temperature-controlled storage capacities and wholesale infrastructures.

Welcoming the confidence and secured framework for EU agribusiness investment in Peru that president Humala offers, Rey continued: 'This would also enhance the quality of fresh produce destined for the local markets but also assist the development of exports.'

Indeed, Peru has been developing sales of fresh produce to Europe in recent years, reaching sales of some €250m despite the complex trading environment.

'Asparagus, avocados, mangoes, mandarins and grapes are some of the leading sourcing categories from Peru on the European market,' Rey added. 'All these products experienced significant growth in the past few years on the EU-27 market, helping to boost the consumption of these segments.'