Bryan Silbermann

Bryann Silbermann will once again deliver his State of the Industry address

The Produce Marketing Association's (PMA) 2010 Fresh Summit International Convention and Exposition, which takes place in Orlando, US on 15-18 October this year, will focus on the rejuvenation of business, the group has revealed.

Leading the opening session as a keynote speaker is A.G. Lafley, former chairman of the board at Proctor and Gamble, who will explain how he turned the company around after taking over in 2000 by increasing sales and doubling its portfolio of billion-dollar brands.

'One of the imperatives to business success in today's new economy is taking advantage of the opportunity to listen to experts like A.G. Lafley, and to network with US and global buyers and sellers,' said Bryan Silbermann, president and CEO of PMA. 'Fresh Summit can deliver all of that value under one roof, as demonstrated by last year's record gathering in the midst of a down economy.

'With the brighter economic outlook, we expect even greater things this year,' he added.

Mr Silbermann himself will open the second keynote session on the second day of the event with a micro and macro look at the produce industry. His annual State of the Industry address will offer observations on innovation, consumer trends, labour, food safety, private labelling, ethical consumerism, organics and more.

Day three's general session will be lead by David Nour, who will look at Relationship Economics, while the final day of the event sees trends and innovations expert Jim Carroll discuss how companies can position themselves for success based on 'Seven Strategic Steps'.

The 2009 Fresh summit in Anaheim set the event's all-time attendance record with 19,070 attendees from 58 different countries, with this year's expo expected to feature more than 800 exhibitors from 25 countries across 55,000m2.