US school salad bar

In Washington DC this week, United Fresh chairman Ron Carkoski participated in a high-level meeting with USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack and representatives from 15 health, nutrition and school organisations to discuss solutions for meeting modern school meal standards, including serving half a cup of fruits/vegetables at lunch.

Sam Kass, executive director of Let's Move! and senior policy advisor for nutrition policy, also participated.

'I urged everyone to use the strength of the suppliers to find solutions and help the schools succeed in meeting these standards,' said Carkoski after the meeting. 'The overall discussion was excellent, with a commitment for ongoing discussion and education to help school nutrition operators find the most efficient ways to provide a variety of fruits and vegetables to their students.'

At the meeting, Vilsack underscored his support for finding solutions and said he was asking USDA staff to undertake steps to provide education and assistance to schools.

School meal standards have been the subject of debate in Congress in recent weeks as lawmakers have considered granting wavers to schools who say they cannot meet them.

United Fresh and nutrition allies have resolutely opposed any delay or watering down of the requirements calling for half a cup of fruits/vegetables to be provided at lunch for schools in the National School Lunch Program, which serves 32m students a day.