Euro Tunnel small pic

Cross-channel transport service Eurotunnel, which connects the UK with mainland Europe, has said that flowers, fruit and vegetables helped it to achieve record revenues of £843.8m (€990m) for 2012.

Withmore trucks bringing fresh produce into the UK via the Channel Tunnel, overall sales were up 14 per cent on the previous year while freight in Eurotunnel's shuttles grew by 16 per cent.

According to Eurotunnel, perishable supermarket supplies were a driving force behind the growth as well as online shopping orders between the UK and France. The group predicts its new holiday packages, which will take tourists directly from London to Provence and the Côte d'Azur, will continue to increase demand this year.

A Channel Tunnel operator said: 'Although the economic crisis is not yet over and competition remains strong in the cross-Channel market, customers continue to demonstrate strong loyalty to the Eurotunnel system.'