france consumption

A new study from Crédoc has revealed that three in four French citizens fail to consume the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day.

Although an increasing number of adults state that they are now 'big consumers' of fresh produce (31 per cent), the vast majority fall way short of health recommendations.

Only nine per cent of children meet the guidelines, according to the study, with children of French origin consuming the least on average.

Meanwhile, older consumers apparently eat the most, with a peak consumption age averaging around 70 years old.

The study also revealed the relevance of education and class, with those from the least favourable backgrounds eating the least fruit and vegetables.

The study, whcih was conducted between October 2009 and July 2010, presents a major challenge to the PNSS (the national programme for health and nutrition), which has made boosting fruit and vegetable consumption one of its key objectives.