France consumption

The FCD, the federation of trade and distribution linked to lobbying group Medef, has reacted to concerns raised this week over the size of retailer margins.

The federation argued that net margins were in fact extremely low, or even negative, at an average of -0.74 per cent, according to a report from Linéaires.

This percentage is reportedly based on figures provided to the FCD by its members and was published in June.

The figures state that 57.08 per cent of the retail price of fruit and vegetables is for the shippers, 7.5 per cent for transportation and logistics, 8 per cent for losses and 28.16 per cent for store expenses, giving a negative average net margin of -0.74 per cent.

Modef, the French federation of farmers' unions, this week offered direct sales of fruit and vegetables in and around Paris to protest against what it described as the 'unreasonable margins' taken by the supermarkets.