Bruno Le Maire

In the southeastern French commune of Valence yesterday, at the national congress of the FNPF, France’s federation of fruit producers, agriculture minister Bruno Le Maire announced a drop in the cost of seasonal work with immediate effect, according to Agence France-Presse.

The plan, which was originally revealed on 27 October as part of the measures drawn up to support a farming sector in crisis, totally exonerates employees from paying social security contributions.

The hourly rate has been reduced to €9.29 (from an average of €12 for the farming sector), as part of the farming modernisation law, saving some €170m. State aid now totals around €450m.

The minister also said that he was still in negotiations with the European authorities regarding the repayment of hundreds of millions of euros of state aid given to producers in 1992-2002.

“I guarantee to you that you will not have to reimburse €500m,” he stated.

Mr Le Maire also revealed his desire to introduce a “solidarity fund” that would allow fruit farmers to benefit from community funds from 2011.

This idea, promised by his predecessor, Michel Barnier, is currently being examined by interprofessional organisation Interfel, Mr Le Maire said.