Following its successful debut in 2008, Freshconex, the international trade fair for fresh produce convenience, is taking place next year alongside Fruit Logistica for the third time at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds in Germany.
An excellent market overview of the products and services in this dynamic sector will be presented from 3-5 February 2010, while the accompanying Freshconex Business Forum will offer industry insiders a chance to learn about the latest fresh convenience trends.
Business Forum topics range from 'New technologies for fresh produce convenience' (Day 1, Wednesday 3 February) to 'Innovations in marketing for fresh produce convenience' (Day 2, Thursday 4 February) and 'improved logistics and distribution for fresh produce convenience' (Day 3, Friday 5 February).
Along with valuable information, the event offers excellent opportunities to exchange information with international business partners.
Further information on the Freshconex business Forum and a list of speakers at the event can be found at