Spain MoA Isabel García Tejerina

Isabel García Tejerina

Fepex has met with Spain’s new agriculture minister to discuss measures to boost the competitiveness of the country’s fruit and vegetable export industry. During the meeting on Monday, the Spanish exporter federation made a series of recommendations to Isabel García Tejerina, chief among them a call for more support to be given to producer organisations in order to encourage more joint investment initiatives to modernise farms.

Fepex also urged the government to apply pressure on the European Union to ensure the rigorous application of the new entry price system for fresh fruits and vegetables, due to come into force in October, and not bow to pressure from Morocco to halt the reform to the system.

Other suggestions included an easing of restrictions on the use of certain pesticides to bring Spain in line with other producing countries, and for the government to step up healthy eating campaigns in a bid to boost the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
