Juan Marín elected as first president of the committee


Spanish fruit and vegetable exporter federation Fepex has set up the Brassica Sector Committee to address the specific challenges affecting these crops. Juan Marín, president of the broccoli and cauliflower sector of Murcian produce association Proexport, will head up the new committee.

Spain exported 469,878 tonnes of brassicas and cabbage worth €748m in 2023. Broccoli and cauliflower accounted for 376,241 tonnes of this.

Murcia was the main cabbage producing region, accounting for 65 per cent of total exports, followed by Alicante and Almería. The UK was the biggest market, with 131,443 tonnes, followed by Germany, with 87,739 tonnes and the Netherlands with 60,965 tonnes.

The Brassica Committtee is made up of Proexport, the Federation of Fruit and Product Entrepreneurs Horticultural Associations of Alicante, Fexphal, and the Association of Organisations of Fruit and Vegetable Producers of the province of Almería, Coexphal.