Food Safety Modernization Act

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that it is has extended the comment periods on two new proposed food safety rulings to 16 May 2013, adding three monehts to the original end date of 15 February.

The move comes following requests by the United Fresh Produce Association and other food industry groups for an extension on the information collection provisions of the proposed rule on 'Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption' (Produce Rule), and the same provisions for the proposed rule on 'Current Good Manufacturing Practice and Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventive Controls for Human Food' (Preventive Controls Rule).

The proposed Produce Rule and Preventive Controls Rule are part of the regulatory framework under the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

When making its request, United Fresh said that an extension was necessary to provide sufficient time for the industry to examine and respond to the 'complex and substantial changes' proposed for the fresh and fresh-cut produce industry, as well as all other food industries in the US.

'United is in the midst of a very exhaustive review process with our members,' said David Gombas, United's senior vice-president of food safety and technology. 'The proposed rules are part of a larger suite of rules that are all interrelated and will have far reaching effects on the industry.'