James Moore Tienie du Preez

James Moore (left) and Tienie du Preez

Leading agricultural technical service provider Farmsecure Agri Science (FAS) says it has strengthened its position in South Africa’s deciduous and table grape industries.

This, it explains, gives growers across the South African produce industry access to a focused and comprehensive technical advice service for the first time since deregulation 15 years ago.

Writing in its newsletter, Farmsecure Agri Science notes that it is now becoming a vital and essential component in the South African fresh produce business, and is seen as one of the most significant developments in South Africa in recent times.

The FAS service has been boosted by the merger of well-respected soil science consulting firm, Agricultural Consultors International (ACI), into its services, as well as the acquisition of research and development company Experico.

South African fruit growers used to have access to full and comprehensive technical services backed by sound research, comprehensive production advice and product development, but this became decimated in the aftermath of deregulation, with resources being scattered all over the industry and the world.

'We see ourselves as an innovative service provider and independent consulting company to the agricultural sector,' says James Moore, general manager of FAS.

FAS is part of the Farmsecure Group and says its service is fully supportive of the Farmsecure vision of making a meaningful contribution to securing the world's food supply, by creating sustainable and profitable agricultural enterprises.

By constantly bringing young graduates into its teams, FAS says it has bolstered its pool of leading experts and scientists in South Africa, while the merger with ACI has resulted in one of the world's leading soil scientists, Dr Tienie du Preez, heading up the FAS Horticultural Division.

Du Preez has vast knowledge of international fruit production and the FAS team also boasts respected South African fruit specialists such as citrus crop expert Dr Graham Berry and plant physiologist Ballie Wahl.

'Modern day fruit farming demands a focused approach in farming and responding to the individual needs of growers,' says Du Preez. 'This is underlined on a daily basis in our conversations with growers and we are totally focused in helping our clients to improve their individual profitability and sustainability. In the process we broaden our information base over the whole spectrum of growers and are able to solve problems without in anyway compromising the integrity or focus on the individual’s problems.'

He says years of international and local experience have now been combined to offer growers one of the best fresh produce industry technical services in the world.

The addition of Experico, a Stellenbosch-based company involved in the development and commercialisation of new technology, is another example of the vital role that FAS is now playing in the industry.

'Experico has proved its ability to develop and commercialise new technology and will form a key part of our focus on client service,' Moore adds.