Fairtrade banana

Fairtrade International USA, a new operation located in Washington DC, has opened for business and has unveiled its board of directions and its interim operations manager.

The creation of the organisation is designed to connect US shoppers with over 25 other Fairtrade organisations in the international Fairtrade system (FLO), as well as 1.2m producers around the world, all working together for a better deal for farmers and workers.

The organisation will promote the international Fairtrade Mark, support businesses wishing to sell on Fairtrade terms, and build public support for trade justice around the world.

Interim Operations Manager of the new organization is Enrique Hennings.
Shoppers can already find the green and blue logo on a wide variety of products, as more and more companies sign up to follow the international Fairtrade Standards and be part of a global movement for change.

'I’m eager to move our efforts forward in the US and work with our new board who are dedicated to Fairtrade in the US and represent the diversity of the international Fairtrade system,' said Enrique Hennings, the new interim operations manager at Fairtrade International USA. 'Their experience will provide strong direction for the organisation and help us serve the farmers and workers, traders and businesses, and all of our stakeholders.'

The newly elected board of directors is made up of representatives from across the Fairtrade system and civil society, and includes Raul de Aguila, Dr Bama Athreya, Tony Hall, Werner Kiene and Nick Orton.