person spraying crops

Eight major European food chain organisations have met with representatives from the European Commission and European Union member states in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the future challenges faced by specialty crop producers amid the introduction of new crop protection regulations.

In September, the EU Council of Ministers adopted new legislation which effectively switchedthe approval of pesticides from a risk-based assessment policy tohazard-based cut-off criteria – a move which the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA) said could resultin the loss of some 15-20 per cent of approved cropprotection products.

Organisations involved in the meeting called for more investment to ensure the availability of crop protection solutions for speciality crops, including most fruit, vegetables and flowers with an EU agricultural production value of greater than €50bn per year.

During the conference, a consensus was reached by participating parties on four key points, including the fact that minor use authorisations must be used to ensure the protection of high value specialty crops, to maintain the availability of healthy and affordable food for consumers.

There were also agreements on the need for greater coordination, improved cooperation and a need to use the IR-4 programme in the US as a template for future success.

'We welcome the openness of the debate and believe that it is the first step in finding answers to the many problems and difficulties faced by our sectors,' said Luc Peeters, chairman of the phytosanitary group within COPA-COGECA and representative of the eight food chain associations.

'Greater coordination and additional funding will be crucial to providing adequate crop protection solutions,' he added. 'This should be a priority issue for the new Commission and Parliament. the initiation of the report on the establishment of a European fund for minor uses is urgently needed.'

The eight food chain organisations involved in the meeting were Assemblée des Régions Européenes (AREFLH), European Liaison Committee of Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA), Comité du Commerce des céréales, aliments du bétail, oléagineux, huile d'olive, huiles et graisses et agrofournitures (COCERAL), European Seed Association (ESA), ECPA, European Farmers and European Agri-Cooperatives (COPA-COGECA), European Fresh Produce Association (Freshfel) and Organisation of European Industries Transforming Fruit and Vegetables (OEITFL).