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European agricultural industry group Copa-Cogeca has welcomed a decision by the European Commission to provide an additional €17m in compensation to vegetable producers affected by the recent E.coli crisis.

The extra funding brings the total amount earmarked by the EC authorities to €227m, money which will be allocated to fresh produce cooperatives to cover their losses.

However, Copa-Cogeca secterary general Pekka Pesonen said the aid package would still not be enough to cover all of the losses incurred.

'This support is very much needed,' he commented. 'Producers have suffered serious losses, which reached €400m per week at the peak of the crisis.'

Pesonen also underlined the cost to the sector in reputational terms: 'The whole image of the sector has been tarnished. Producers have suffered both direct and indirect losses from the crisis and it will take months for the sector to recover.'

Prices were still 20-30 per cent lower than they have been in the past two to three years, Pesonen added.

'Producers must receive 100 per cent compensation. All fruit and vegetables for which there is proof that the drop in prices is due to the E.coli crisis must be eligible for aid.'
Copa-Cogeca is now calling for the type of products covered by the aid package to be extended.

'The market situation for peaches, nectarines, melons and watermelons has been aggravated badly by the E.coli crisis,' said Pesonen.

'Copa-Cogeca is pleased that the Commission has proposed increasing support for withdrawing peaches and nectarines from the market at the EU management committee in Brussels. Nevertheless, the proposed increase is not sufficient.'

Copa-Cogeca is asking for compensation of €300 per tonne to withdraw produce from the market.
