Enzafruit New Zealand Continent has revealed that the season's first shipment of New Zealand-grown Enza-branded apples is on its way to Europe.

According to the group, the Buzzard Bay discharged in Antwerp on Monday 15 April, opening the New Zealand apple season with Cox Orange Pippin and Royal Gala varieties.

'It promises to be a year of sublime quality because the weather conditions were exceptionally favorable,' the company stated. 'So we can, thanks to a good ripening, enjoy beautifully coloured and tasty fruit.'

From week 17, Doyenne du Comice pears will become available, followed by the introduction of Jazz apples in week 18.

Braeburns are set to hit European shores in mid-May, ahead of Pink Lady, Fuji and Envy apples.

'We start in week 19 with Enza organic apples,' the group added. 'First we welcome organic Royal Gala apples, followed by organic Jazz and organic Braeburn.'