NZ BE DE Alastair Hulbert Tony Fisette Klaus Josef-Lutz

T&G chief executive Alastair Hulbert (left) with Enzafruit's Tony Fisette (centre) and BayWa boss Klaus Josef-Lutz (right)

Members of the international fresh produce trade have joined together with representatives from New Zealand fresh produce company Enza/Turners & Growers and its major shareholder BayWa to recognise the contribution made by Tony Fisette to the business over the past four decades.

Celebrating 40 years in the industry this year, Fisette has contributed significantly to the development of the New Zealand topfruit sector in Europe over that time, working in various roles first with Belgium-based Fibe-Trade and then, following its buy-out by Enza in 1989, for the newly established Enzafruit NZ Continent, where he became commercial director seven years later and shortly afterwards managing director – a position he still holds.

Congratulating Fisette on a 'momentous occasion' in front of assembled friends and colleagues at the annual Fruit Logistica trade fair in Berlin, BayWa chief executive Klaus Josef-Lutz described him as 'an incredibly committed and supportive driver' of the New Zealand apple and pear industry in Europe and 'a great ambassador for Enza' since he began his career in October 1974.

'From those early days, Tony began forging strong partnerships with both the New Zealand pipfruit growers and European customers alike that would grow, endure and ultimately prosper under his stewardship,' Lutz commented.

'Right from the start Tony was a very passionate individual, who had a nose for selling fruit. He was driven to do all that he could for both the New Zealand growers, that supplied him with the best pipfruit in the world, and the customers that he built strong relationships and successful programmes with.'

Milestones and plaudits

Since then, Fisette has achieved some remarkable milestones and received some notable plaudits.At the turn of the millennium, he was named Man of the Year by Dutch industry publication Vakblad AGF, sealing his reputation as Europe's pre-eminent apple salesman of the past 25 years.

In July 2008, Enzafruit sold its 100 millionth carton of Enza topfruit, something which Lutz suggested had been the result of the company's unrelenting focus on quality, customer-aligned sales programmes and consumer-driven marketing campaigns.

'All of which continued to strengthen the Enza-branded offering through time and greatly assist with the launch and establishment of Jazz apples,' he added. 'As the chairman of Turners & Growers, I am extremely appreciative of the service that Tony has given the business through Enza and his leadership of our European Enza operations.'