Schmider ECPA

European Commission (EC) proposals to appoint a chief scientific advisor have been welcomed by the European Crop Protection Association (ECPA).

According to a statement, the ECPA said that it offered 'solid support' for the move as the representative of a science-based industry serving the needs of a scientific agriculture.

'We highly appreciate the Commission's plan to appoint an EU chief scientific advisor because we have seen a drift away from scientific principles in policy making,' said ECPA director general Dr Friedhelm Schmider. 'This development is entirely consistent with out calls for more science-based policy making, in keeping with the global challenges ahead.

'The new Commission is facing weighty decisions as to how we meet the food requirements of a rising population, coupled with climate change adaption and the need to protect biodiversity,' he added. 'We believe the only way that Europe can rise up to the challenge is by founding its policies in good science.

We trust that the Commission's plan is a positive step toward this goal and we look forward to supporting and collaborating with this office,' Mr Schmider concluded.
