The Dutch fresh produce trade has launched a new marketing campaign entitled 'It's Alive', aimed at encouraging young people in the Netherlands to consider careers in the horticultural sector.
According to Dutch export association Frugi Venta, which is running the campaign, the industry faces a potential crisis in terms of its middle and senior management as a result of the current shortage of well-educated graduates entering the business.
'The horticultural sector's farms, technical service providers, trading companies and seed companies need 10,000 workers every year, but research shows there is not a great deal of interest in pursuing a career in this industry, particularly among young people,' commented Willem Baljeu, managing director of Frugi Venta.
'They see horticulture as bad employers, with poor working conditions and heavy work,' he added. 'For the image to match the reality, the Dutch horticulture sector is investing in this campaign through Productschap Tuinbouw, despite the current crisis.'
Over the next two years, the campaign will attempt to educate Dutch youngsters about the positive and vibrant aspects of the Netherlands fresh produce sector, focusing on its sustainability. logistics, technology, international trade, science, innovation and the role it plays in feeding the planet.
The project features an eye-catching new website, which offers a tour of the major areas of potential employment within the Dutch fresh produce trade and further information about pursuing a career in the sector.
From 7 April, a new commercial will be aired on television channels Star and RTL, as well as appearing alongside programmes shown on the MTV network – including TMF, MTV and Comedy Central.
TMF is dedicating an entire to month to the horticulure sector next month, with the programme Wat te doen voor je Poen (What to do for your Money) also running special features on the industry.