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Favourable weather conditions in the Netherlands over the past few months mean the country's apple and pear producers are expecting a particularly good harvest in 2011, according to the first new-season forecasts published by Dutch horticultural association Productschap Tuinbouw (PT).

The organisation said it expected apple production in the Netherlands to increase to 418,000 tonnes, 25 per cent more compared with the 334,000 tonnes produced in 2010 and significantly higher than the 407,000-tonne crop two years ago.

Pear production, meanwhile, is thought likely to rise by 9 per cent year-on-year to 300,000 tonnes from 274,000 tonnes in 2010, just above the 295,000 tonnes seen in 2009.

In terms of varieties, the biggest increase expected in the apple category is for Jonagold, for which PT anticipates a 39 per cent annual increase in production.

Higher volumes of Elstar (up 14 per cent), Golden Delicious (15 per cent) and Red Boskoop (21 per cent) are also forecast.

Thanks to the favourable growing conditions, output of Conference, the leading pear variety in terms of volume, will be 12 per cent more than last year at 240,000 tonnes.

Besides Doyenne du Comice, the Netherlands' other main pear variety, production of which is set to remain stable, volumes of other pears including trademarked Sweet Sensation will be up 7 per cent, PT said.

'In general, the growing season has been good this year,' said a spokesperson for PT. 'There is a higher average fruit weight than last year.'