Conference pears

Dutch Conference pear production is set to fall by around 30-35 per cent

The Netherlands' apple and pear crop is set to be 'especially small' this year according to new forecast figures published by horticultural association Productschap Tuinbouw (PT).

The group said the country's combined topfruit production in 2012 would most likely be around 320,000 tonnes, around one-third smaller when compared with the 418,000 tonnes produced in 2011.

'The small harvest is mainly due to frost damage,' confirmed a spokesperson for PT, referring back to a short but intense period of spring frost earlier in the year.

The most prominent casualty is set to be the Dutch Conference pear crop, which is also estaimted to be around 30-35 per cent smaller this season.

While a similar downturn in output is expected for Elstar, Jonagold and Red Boskoop, PT said it was possible there would be a small increase in the volume of Golden Delicious available compared with last year.

Club varieties like Kanzi and Junami are set to remain at a similar level to 2011, with lower yields counterbalanced by increased production area.