Duda Chilean Navels

Duda Farm Fresh Foods says its Southern Hemisphere citrus programmes have got off to a strong start due to the low availability of locally-grown fruit. The company, which markets a full range of citrus from Florida, California, Chile, New Zealand, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay, said it is working with retail partners on customised programmes to fit specific chain needs.

“Seasonal weather has the potential to occasionally diminish growing conditions in the US, which can affect a consumer’s ability to access fresh citrus fruit,” said director global business development Alberto Cuellar. “As a result, it's temporarily necessary to import these fruits as a means of promoting healthy and happy living, and meeting the needs of American consumers.”

Paul Huckabay, Duda’s western citrus sales manager said consumer demand continues to grow for speciality items such as Meyer lemons, Tangelos and Cara Cara oranges. “We have relationships with the best growers around the globe to provide the quality and taste experience that consumers want.”

The company said it has good availability and quality for Satsumas and Minneolas from Peru, while in Chile –where the clementine season started a week earlier than last year – continued drought conditions in the northern growing region have helped with higher sugars in the early fruit.

Duda’s Uruguayan citrus programme is also expanding. “With increased export volumes of Uruguayan citrus this country is now a reliable source for citrus products from March to October,” the company said.

The company’s summer citrus programmes will be supported by an online sales kit that includes recipes for consumers and point-of-sale material.