Donald Slot Oppy

Donald Slot joined The Oppenheimer Group’s sales team in July as the group's new Toronto-based sales representative, a role that will see him market the company’s full assortment to Eastern Canadian customers.

Slot’s recent experience includes four years as a key account executive at Westrow Food Group, a leading Canadian food broker, where he had focused on the company’s imported fresh produce business since June 2010.

“Donald’s skills and experience are a great fit,” he said. “His knowledge of the inner workings of the imported produce business, as well as his retail relationships, will immediately enhance our service in Eastern Canada.”

“There’s a great deal of social interest around organics,” Slot said. “People are looking to growers and marketers to help them understand what is behind their food. I think there’s a good opportunity to make organics a larger part of the Oppy portfolio in Eastern Canada.”