Multinational fresh produce marketer Dole Food Company has been praised for its efforts in the field of worker rights by a new report published by the Rockefeller Foundation.
The report, entitled Worker Equity in Food and Agriculture, cited the company for its contribution to worker equity policies, for practices it had introduced to eliminate discrimination and for its protection of workers' rights to assemble.
Dole also had a high rate of unionisation among its workers and employed relatively few temporary workers, the report found.
Compiled by Tellus Institute and Sustainalytics, the report tracked practices at the 100 largest and most influential companies in the US.
"We are honoured to be recognised as an industry leader in ensuring safe and equitable conditions for our employees," said Sue Hagen, Dole's senior vice-president of human resources.
"Dole has always felt that our social responsibility programs are closely tied to our employees. That is why we focus on enhancing the working conditions of our employees and the communities in which we operate."