Oranges on tree

Brazilian orange farmers are braced for their smallest crop in 36 years in 2024/25, as they grapple with the impact of climate change and citrus greening.

According to research centre Fundecitrus and orange juice exporter association CitrusBR, the two main orange producing areas in the states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais are set to harvest 232.38m (40.8kg) cartons this year, a decrease of 24.36 per cent on the previous season. That would be the lowest since 1988/89, when production reached 214m cartons.

Brazil is the world’s largest producer and exporter of orange juice, accounting for three-quarters of all exports. After four consecutive poor seasons, global stock levels have been at historic lows, pushing prices to record highs last year.

Fundecitrus head Juliano Ayres commented: “The number surprised us. Climate effects have strongly affected the industry. For citrus production to remain competitive we must defeat greening – and we will”.