Port of Hamburg

An additional feeder service has been launched by short-sea and scheduled service specialist Delta Shipping Lines linking, the Port of Hamburg with the Russian Baltic seaport of St. Petersburg.

The service has been introduced by Delta as a result of recovering container traffic volumes to and from Russia via Hamburg, a result of the German port's favourable geographic location for Russia and its outstanding infrastructure.

Two feeder ships of the Sietas 151 type will be servicing the HHLA Container Terminal Altenwerder, the HHLA Container Terminal Burchardkai and the Eurogate Container Terminal Hamburg on a weekly basis, with calls at the PetroLePort and Neva Metal terminals in St. Petersburg.

The first sailing on the trade line was undertaken by the vessel Victoria, which departed Hamburg on 4 February 2010. Following the arrival of its sister ship Cartagena, the next departure to St. Petersburg took place on 10 February.