Tommy Molgaard Damco small pic

Damco has announced the appointment of Tommy Mølgaard as its new global chief financial officer, taking up his position at the group's headquarters after occupying the role of head of corporate finance at APM Terminals.

Mølgaard brings with him over 20 years of experience in finance at a senior level in the logistics sector, gaining extensive experience as CFO at corporate, country, regional and business unit levels during various assignments with the AP Møller-Maersk Group in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

“Our ambition is to become a top five logistics player in the years to come,' said Rolf Habben-Jansen, CEO at Damco. 'I am confident that Tommy, with his longstanding expertise in our sector, will help to lead our business forward.'

Mølgaard added: “I am proud to work with this ambitious management team, one that is determined to continue building an agile organisation that will drive change and performance, while keeping our customers as the highest priority.'