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French research centre Credoc has published a new report that has raised concern over the diets of young French people.

Despite presumptions to the contrary, the report found that French people aged 21-34 have a worse diet on average than their US counterparts, eating more sandwiches and fewer fruit and vegetables.

According to Credoc, were this to become a generational phenomenon, 'there is a risk of weakening the French food model'.

But this trend is not true just among young people; people over 65 also live better across the Atlantic than in France, the report stated.

In addition, it was found that, while French and US citizens ate the same amount of fats, Americans ate more 'good' fats, while French diets included more saturated fat and cholesterol.

On the other hand, French diets were found to be more varied than in the US, with adults consuming 16.8 products on average every two days, compared with just 13.6 in the US.