Dan Dempster CPMA

Dan Dempster

Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) president Dan Dempster has advised the Association's board of directors at their Vancouver 2010 meeting that he will be retiring from his role on 1 May 2011.

Mr Dempster will leave the association having joined in 1977 and been made president in 1983, during which time CPMA's membership has increased to 720 Canadian and international members, while the association has also played a growing role in many produce issues.

'CPMA's success can be attributed to the dedication and commitment of wonderful volunteer directors supported by a hard-working and passionate staff,' said Mr Dempster. 'I just happened to have been lucky to serve as the president while this is going on.

'I feel it is time for myself to pursue the next phase of my life,' he added. I will miss the many outstanding people in this industry – they are what kept me going and never wanting to leave.'

CPMA chair Adrian Abbot said that while the association was sad to see Mr Dempster leave, it was pleased that he had agreed to help the new president through the transition period and also that he would provide services on a contract basis for at least one year after retirement.