Pesticide testing

Israeli agricultural organisation Yofi Shel Yerakot (YSY) is utilising the same advanced technology to test the presence of pesticides in its produce as that employed by counter-terrorism units in the US.

YSY is using these systems – branded as Lab Path – to ensure its peppers, aubergine, melons and tomatoes do not contain harmful pesticide residues before they are shipped to the market.

The company’s CEO Daniel Lev states that, with a single test, Lab Path is able to identify hundreds of different pesticides and can detect tiny dangerous particles present among trillions of other particles.

Rami Sade, a YSY agronomist, advocates the expensive and sophisticated equipment as assuring Israeli agriculturists and buyers that the produce being sold is completely free of residue safe for consumption.

YSY generates an estimated 17,000 tonnes of vegetables for the domestic market annually and an additional 17,000 tonnes for the international markets in North America and Europe.
