Copa-Cogeca is calling for additional support for EU fruit and vegetable growers hit by the Russian export ban. In a letter to the EU Commission, the producer organisation said the market situation had become “critical” and urgent action was required.
“Action taken so far to help producers cope with the severe impact of the Russian export ban is a step forward but average prices for some fruit and vegetables are still critical, being significantly less than the average of the past years,’ Copa-Cogeca’s secretary general Pekka Pesonen said, adding that in many cases market prices did not even cover production costs and producers are experiencing serious liquidity problems.”
The association is demanding a review of the scheme in order to prevent the market situation from deteriorating further in the upcoming season.
Under the current scheme, products are withdrawn from the market and distributed for free subject to demand from charities and storage capacity is now reaching its limits. Copa-Cogeca believes that increasing compensation for withdrawals for other uses such as compost and biogas to take into account transport costs will free up storage space ahead of the new season.
The trade body is also calling for the Commission to introduce a 5,000-tonne quota per member state for summer fruit and red fruits to prevent the market deteriorating for these products in the new season.
“Last year, summer and soft fruit producers suffered significant losses and the support measures came too late at the end of August,” Copa-Cogeca said. “Growers really need a good season this year to recover. Action is crucial.”
Finally, it is calling for money allocated to the scheme to also be kept for fruit and vegetables as funds have not yet been fully used.