
Peruvian table grape exports rose by 41 per cent to 128,000 tonnes, during the 2011/12 season (October to February), up from 90,000 tonnes in the previous campaign.

Sendings also grew by 20 per cent in value to US$250m, according to figures released by the Peruvian Table Grape Producers’ Association (Provid) and reported by AgroNegociosPeru.

“It’s been a normal year but prices per kilogramme have been inferior to those registered in the last two seasons given that no major weather incident affected Peru’s competitors such as Brazil, South Africa, Chile and the US (California),” explained Provid president Alejandro Fuentes.

Fuentes clarified that grape prices were atypical during the last few seasons with levels much higher than the market would normally offer.

“This season we were expecting prices to be better because of a frost which affected Chile, but in the end it didn’t have the impact that was forecast,” Fuentes said.

The US remains the largest market for Peruvian table grape exports, according to Provid, absorbing 28,000 tonnes.

For the third consecutive year, China came in second place, with Europe in third position, ahead of Russia, Indonesia and the UK.

However, despite China displacing Europe as the second-largest export destinations, Fuentes pointed out that demand has not stopped rising in Europe despite the economic crisis.

Indeed, Peruvian table grape exports to Europe rose to 18,500 tonnes during 2011/12, compared with 13,700 tonnes, according to Provid.