Port of Charleston

The South Carolina State Port Authority has revealed that falling demand led to a drop in container volumes handled at the Port of Charleston, down 15.8 per cent for the first 10 months of the fiscal year ended 30 April.

This reduction, from 803,226 containers to 676,125 containers, led to a 12 per cent decline in revenue to US$118m on a year-on-year basis.

Of the top 10 ports in the US, the only others to register steeper volume drops for the period were the Port of Seattle (21.2 per cent) and the Port of Long Beach (18.3 per cent), according to the Charleston Regional Business Journal.

More positive for the port is the news that German shipping group Hamburg Süd is planning to move its northern European trade service from Savannah to Charleston in the next few weeks, which should translate into higher cargo volumes.