Lidl trolleys copyright Flickr TJ Schloss

© Flickr / TJ Schloss

European shoppers seeking the best value for their consumer goods shopping are visiting a greater variety of retail formats and, in doing so,are increasing the popularity of multi-channel retailing, according to the latest research from analyst IGD.

The Evolving Channel Mix report, published on 6 April, reveals that almost half (49 per cent) of shoppers are using different retail formats – from supermarkets and hypermarkets to convenience stores and online – as they seek to take advantage of a range of special offers, while nearly four in ten (37 per cent) do so to save money.

The desire to obtain value for money is fundamental to the popularity of multi-channel retailing across Europe, the report states.

Its key findings included:

  • 57 per cent of shoppers in the Netherlands said seeking different promotions was the main reason for multi-channel shopping, compared with 51 per cent in Germany,49 per cent in Spain, 48 per cent in the UK and 42 per cent in France.
  • 42 per cent of German shoppers shop in different channels to save money, compared with 37 per cent in France and Spain, 36 per cent in the Netherlands and 33 per cent in the UK.

?IGD also predicted that multi-channel food retailing would increase during the year ahead.

Around one-fifth (19 per cent) of French shoppers expect to use discount stores, such as Aldi and Lidl, more in the next 12 months – the same proportion as in the UK and Germany – compared with 16 per cent of Spanish shoppers and 14 per cent of Dutch shoppers.

Meanwhile, 15 per cent of Spanish shoppers said they planned to shop more at supermarkets, compared with 12 per cent of German, 10 per cent of British, 8 per cent of French and 8 per cent of Dutch shoppers.

The study found that one in nine (11 per cent) of British shoppers said they would do more online shopping, compared with 8 per cent in Germany, 7 per cent in France, 7 per cent in Spain and 2 per cent in the Netherlands.

Joanne Denney-Finch, chief executive of IGD, commented: 'Competition is intense between the different retailing formats across Europe to entice hard-pressed shoppers to use their particular outlet.

'And despite traditional shopper preferences and market structures, multi-channel retailing is becoming increasingly popular:over a third of shoppers in Germany and Spain used five or more food channels in the last month.'

'Different formats have characteristics that particularly appeal to shoppers depending on the country in question.In France, hypermarkets are seen as the best outlet to provide value for money, while in the UK supermarkets are regarded as the top choice.

She added: 'Shoppers across Europe are hunting for value for money and finding it in a range of outlets. In order to win this year, consumer goods companies need an effective channel management strategy that incorporates shopper perceptions in each market while delivering value, promotions and a sufficient variety of products.'