Maurizio Gardini Conserve Italia Fedagri

Maurizio Gardini, Conserve Italia

Maurizio Gardini has been reappointed to the presidency of leading Italian fresh and processed produce company, Conserve Italia, for a further three years.

The company, which owns and markets fresh convenience brand Valfrutta as well as other well-known food industry names including Cirio, Yoga and Derby, is responsible for buying and processing around 160,000 tonnes of fruit and vegetables every year and reportedly has an annual turnover of around €1bn.

The group brings together 50 member cooperatives, 14,500 individual producers and 13 production facilities, of which nine are in Italy and four others are in France, Spain, Germany and the UK.

Gardini is currently also president of the Italian farming cooperatives federation Fedagri.

At the company's recent annual general meeting, Massimo Passanti and Vanni Girotti were also elected as vice-presidents.