Generic mixed grapes

The Californian Table Grape Commission is ramping up its international retail promotions, in a bid to support a large late-season volume.

Traditionally, the largest volumes of California grapes are shipped to foreign markets in the last three months of each calendar year. Over 35 per cent of last year’s export crop was moved offshore after 1 October for the season running May to January.

With shipments running ahead of last year and experts projecting a larger crop, the commission has made provisions for another late season export thrust.

The increased promotial activity will include additional in-store tastings and the distribution of more point-of-sale and display materials. Newspaper advertising will also run in Asian export markets to boost awareness and movement of California grapes.

In 2012, from a total crop of 100.3m 19lb (8.6kg) cartons, a total of 22.3m 19lb cartons were shipped after 1 November. The colour ratio was 21 per cent green varieties, 70 per cent red varieties and 9 per cent black varieties. A similar ratio is expected this season.