
Last December, French co-operative Cofruid'Oc took control of Les Vergers Ensoleillés, a co-operative based in the Gard department of southern France, after the two groups had forged close relations over the last few years.

The merger will reportedly expand Cofruid'Oc's presence in the Rhone Valley and Provence, to complement the Languedoc and Alps regions already covered by its partnership with Soleil des Alpes.

Cofruid'Oc will also benefit from Les Vergers Ensoleillés' young membership, as well as its production of pears, plums and apricots to add to Cofruid'Oc's main products, apples and asparagus.

The new members' involvement in baby food and organic production is also an attraction as it ties in with Cofruid'Oc's culture of technical control and respect for the environment.

New president Jean Nougaillac has confirmed four main priorities for the next few years: a major orchard renewal plan is in store, with a project to plant 100ha of new orchards in the next three or four years; the technical performance of its producers will also be under the spotlight, while new producers will be sought and commercial partnerships developed with producers from other regions.

Finally, the company will look to target consumers by adding further value to its products, as it successfully did with the high-end Camargue Célestine asparagus and the green Sauvageonne asparagus.

Cofruid'Oc has also made great strides in the field of apples, with its Reine des Reinettes Gourmande range with its partners in the Loire Valley, the Cueillette Futée du Chef range for cooking, and the ripe-picked Tasty Granny.