CMA CGM containers

Leading French shipping company CMA CGM has christened a new vessel, the 11,400 TEU CMA CGM Titan, at Dunkirk Terminal in France, a move that the group has said is a symbol of the development and good health of the company.

'CMA CGM Titan's christening at Dunkirk Port, one of ten ports serviced by CMA CGM on Europe's Atlantic front, confirms the group's determination to see France and its port terminals regain their position in the international shipping arena,' the group said.

Titan is the eighth containership in a series of 12 named after constellations, including the likes of Andromeda and Cassiopeia, and boasts features that combine environmental technology with high performance, such as a fast oil recovery system, an electronically controlled engine and a twisted leading edge rudder.

'It is a great pleasure for me to be godmother to the CMA CGM Titan,' said Laurence Parisot, president of the French employees federation MEDEF. 'I wish her every success; that this magnificent vessel will be the pride of CMA CGM and her crew and contribute to France's reputation and that of its companies and expertise across the world's oceans.'