US California Farm Bureau Fed navel oranges-3

According to recent IRI Worldwide data, total citrus sales in dollar terms are up by 8 per cent over last year for the December-February time period, highlighting consumer enthusiasm for seasonal citrus.

“Consumers are seeking fresh, bright and delicious foods during the winter months, creating great opportunity for peak season citrus,” said Joan Wickham, Sunkist’s director ofcCommunications. “As temperatures rise with the beginning of spring, consumer focus on healthy eating intensifies and retailers can capitalise on health trends with the many varieties of seasonal citrus that are available throughout the spring.”

Navel oranges have performed very well this season with sales by volume up 7.5 per cent in February over last year. Organic Navel orange sales by volume increased by 68 per cent over the same period.

In addition, nutrient-rich Cara Cara Navel orange sales rose 12.5 per cent by volume in the last 52 week period compared to 2015. Cara Cara Navel oranges, known for their distinctive pink flesh and intensely sweet flavour, are available through May.

Meyer lemons have also seen positive results this season, with sales by volume up 4.9 per cent in February over last year. Thought to be a cross between a mandarin orange and a lemon, Meyer lemons are sweeter than conventional lemons and have a rich golden yellow skin and floral aroma.

Retailers can also of course capitalise on varieties coming into season now such as Gold Nugget variety mandarins, a late-season mandarin named for its bright, beautiful bumpy rind with deliciously sweet flavour. Gold Nugget variety mandarins are in season now through May.

Ojai Pixie tangerines, another springtime specialty variety, are also in season. Named for the lush Ojai region of Southern California where they’re grown, Pixies are small in size, seedless and intensely sweet. Sunkist plans to ship Pixies through May.

California Star Ruby grapefruit is also beginning harvest. With its rich pink flesh and distinct sweet-tart flavour, California Star Rubies are available now through July.