The new committee is tasked with halting the decline in the country’s table grape sector

Chilean fruit export association Asoex and leading exporting companies have announced the creation of a new Table Grape Committee to develop a nationwide strategy to reverse the decline of the country’s table grape industry.

Chilean grapes Frutera Santa Maria

“The Chilean table grape industry has been facing various challenges for some time. Last season was very difficult for this sector, which is why we have believed it necessary to create a new committee that, on the one hand, has a board of directors and monthly sessions, but at the same time addresses, in greater depth, issues related to contingency, but also technical matters,” said Asoex president Ronald Bown.

“The key aspect of this committee is to generate a joint strategy for the Chilean table grape sector to address the challenges, but also the opportunities.”

The Asoex board ratified the formation of the new committee on 30 July. To date, 31 companies have joined, together representing 66 per cent of the total volume of table grapes exported last season.