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Exportadora Aconex could become the fourth Chilean fresh fruit exporter to go out of business in the last 12 months together with Catania, Trinidad Exports and EcoAustral.

According to a report by La Segunda Online, a court in the capital Santiago has ordered the seizure of bank accounts held by Aconex president Fernando Barros and his son, general manager Alejandro Barros.

Aconex is said to be in financial difficulties as a result of a “profound family conflict” between the father and son, mainly regarding the ownership of the company and differences over business management and international trading, La Segunda Online reported.

The dispute allegedly dates back to 2006, and led to Fernando Barros lodging a lawsuit against the company last January for a series of debts totalling US$8m, the report explained.

Owned by the Barros family, Aconex is one of Chile’s top 10 fruit exporters, handling over 5m cartons of table grapes, stonefruit, citrus, cherries, kiwifruit, persimmon and apples for export to more than 38 countries, according to the company’s website.

La Segunda Online said so far there have been no applications for bankruptcy although Aconex has a number of debts with different banks.

Three other Chilean fruit suppliers – Catania, Trinidad Exports and EcoAustral – all went out of business last year, mainly due to outstanding debts.