
Chilean cherry export forecasts for 2013/14 have been cut to 11m cartons following September’s freeze, marking a modest increase in last season’s total. Edmundo Araya of the Chilean Cherry Committee said prior to the frosts, shipments were expected to reach 17m cartons. “There is less fruit the trees so what remains is sizing up nicely, and quality-wise there are no major problems,” he said. Harvesting was due to get underway at the end of October.

Approximately 70 per cent of shipments will be destined for the Asian market, 16 per cent for the US, 6 per cent for Europe and 8 per cent for Latin America. This is broadly in line with last season’s programmes.

Frosts have also caused widespread losses to cherry production in Mendoza in Argentina. Alberto Carleti of Frutícola Carleti says the impact of two consecutive freezes, on 17 and 21 September, is still being assessed but production losses are expected to average 70-80 per cent in most orchards.