Port of Valparaíso

The latest forecasts from Chile suggest that fruit export losses caused by September’s freeze will not be as high as previous forecasts. In October, the Ministry of Agriculture estimated that exports for 2013/14 would be down 22 per cent on last season, however, Chilean Fruit Exporters Association Asoex now says that figure is likely to be between 13.5-16 per cent. This would mean a revenue loss of between US$600m and US$900m.

Asoex made the announcement as the first shipment of table grapes departed for the US from the port of Coquimbo. The Coral Mermaid, operated by Pacific Seaways, left the port on 6 December carrying 4,600 pallets of table grapes, blueberries and peaches destined for the port of Wilmington. This was two weeks earlier than last season, according to Rodrigo Trucco, manager of Terminal Puerto Coquimbo (TPC).

Trucco said TPC had recently installed a third container crane that would improve efficiency and reduce loading times at the port.