Created in the 1970s to prepare Spain for entry into the European Union, it has overseen a doubling of citrus exports

The Citrus Management Committee (CGC), the association that brings together private companies, business groups and producer organisations in the Spanish citrus sector, held a ceremony to celebrate its 50th anniversary on Tuesday.


Its president, Inmaculada Sanfeliu, said the committee had been “at the service of Spanish citrus exporters and exports” during that time.

The event was attended by the president of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig, the Minister of Agriculture, Luis Planas, the Valencian Minister of Agriculture, Isaura Navarro and the government delegate in Valencia, Pilar Bernabé.

Between them, CGC members farm more than 50,000ha of citrus and are responsible for 75 per cent of Spanish output, worth more than €2.7bn a year.

“The good work of CGC members, their chameleonic ability to adapt and evolve, to improve customer service is largely responsible for the leadership we maintain, being that one in four of every fresh piece of citrus fruit sold in the world originates from Spain,” Sanfeliu said.